View Full Version : Sexual Assault Allegations

11-16-2017, 04:55 PM
Boy these creeps are coming out of the woodworks. Al Franken, Kevin Spacey, Sly Stallone, Harvey Weinstein, Ben Affleck and the list goes on...

I guess these powerful men feel like they are above the law and human decency.

11-16-2017, 05:40 PM
Victims are afraid to come out, these assholes should be punished.

11-16-2017, 06:29 PM
It's a feeding frenzy. Allegations are being made out of greed, hoping for a big settlement. I would say some are valid, but I'm willing to bet that a lot of them aren't.

Besides, if you got groped by Ben Affleck would that really ruin your life? I'll bet most women would swoon. Hell, I would...

11-16-2017, 06:49 PM
Sylvester Stallone responds to allegations he sexually assaulted and threatened a 16-year-old when he was 40!

The 71-year-old star is in hot water after an alleged incident in Las Vegas while he was filming the movie “Over the Top.”

A woman has come forward claiming that Stallone, who was then 40, and his bodyguard at the time, 27-year-old Mike De Luca, had inappropriate sexual contact with her and threatened her safety when she was 16.

According to the police report published by the Daily Mail, things took a turn when Stallone abruptly asked her if she had ever had sex with two men at once. Before she could properly react, she claims De Luca came into the room and the two men took turns pushing her head down to perform oral sex on them and penetrating her.

11-16-2017, 07:10 PM
It's funny how you never hear a word from the thousands of women that slept their way to the top...

I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's a two way street and there is more then one reason this behavior exists and is so prevalent.

Anyhoo... food for thought...
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzc5MDE2MTYzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTIxNTEwOQ@@._ V1_UY1200_CR108,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

double moo
11-16-2017, 08:27 PM
I'm just looking forward a few weeks until the men in the biz that were harrassed by powerful women start coming forward. Right now the media is all about men being bad... sorry, but it happens to both sexes (maybe less often to men, but still there). I'm hoping to see the pile on frenzy take a sharp left...

11-16-2017, 08:33 PM
I've never married but have been lucky to have lots of girlfriends. So many over the years that I've lost count...not tryin' to brag or anything like that, it's just the way it is.

The most important thing I've learned about women is something that I figured out before I was 25...wait for the green light. If a woman is interested in you, she'll let you know. Don't be just another sloppy swinging dick.

Most guys, and I mean MOST, are going to say and do stupid things when they're jacked up. I think all of us have done a fine job of making complete fools of ourselves in that regard. The trick is to learn from your mistakes...but of course, some guys never learn.

These celebrities and politicians live in a whole different world. I think it's a good thing that they're actually getting called out. Now if we can get this kind of attention in regards to corruption, then we're really getting somewhere.

This may all just be another flash in the pan. I guess we'll see where it goes. Quite the circus, huh?

11-17-2017, 06:16 AM

11-17-2017, 06:18 AM

11-17-2017, 07:34 AM
This is just the beginning. There are new discoveries about a 15 million dollar slush fund that has paid 260 settlements between 1997 and 2016. It makes sense, if these powerful rich people are going to molest people, they are prepared with a big bank roll to just pay them out to be quiet, on to the next victim.

11-17-2017, 08:15 AM
Sadly this has been going on since forever. Powerful people abuse their power and for the last several thousand years men have held most of the power, so most of the abusers are going to be men. Priests, coaches, politicians, athletes, professors, bishops and on and on and on. It certainly isn't a left or a right issue as abusers come in all shape and sizes: Clinton, Trump, Moore, Franken, JFK, etc.

Franken adds the some nice hypocrisy to the mix as he was recently screaming about Moore. Kinda like the bible thumper screaming about gays while boning the pool boy.

hank moon
11-17-2017, 09:24 AM

11-17-2017, 09:54 AM
Geez even Louis CK

11-17-2017, 10:30 AM
Geez even Louis CKNow that's just messed up....


11-17-2017, 10:44 AM
Think of all of these poor potted plants!!! Just sitting there beautifying the room and BOOM! Some fat guy is raining his baby batter on you.

11-17-2017, 10:56 AM
NFL investigating Jameis Winston for allegedly groping Uber driver

The driver reportedly alleges she picked up Winston around 2:00 a.m. on March 13, 2016. He was with a group of men who told her who he was before he entered the vehicle. Winston was the only passenger, sitting in the front seat and acting unruly, at one point shouting homophobic slurs at pedestrians, before asking to stop for food. The driver alleges that Winston, who she described as "very physically imposing," reached over and grabbed her crotch while waiting in a drive-thru line.

"I wasn't just creeped out," said the driver. "I was frozen ... I mean he's an NFL quarterback and I'm 5-foot-6. I'm not prepared for that. So I completely froze."

The driver says that she was fearful to come forward as she did not want to become known as "the woman who Jameis Winston groped," but eventually decided she wanted to tell the truth "about a powerful man who felt entitled to my body when all I wanted to do was my job."

"If I'm silent, I fear that further harm will come to other women, if it hasn't already," she said. "He sexually assaulted me, and I have every right to tell the damn truth about it."

Winston's representatives have denied the allegations, claiming that it was someone else using Winston's Uber account, and told BuzzFeed that they had not heard of such a letter from the NFL prior to being contacted.

Buccaneers head coach Dirk Koetter told reporters Friday that he had just become aware of the allegation and expected the team to release a statement at some point.

11-17-2017, 11:39 AM
^^^We should give Jameis Winston the benefit of the doubt, it's not like he's done anything like this in before..... oh wait... [emoji51]

hank moon
11-17-2017, 04:40 PM

11-17-2017, 05:12 PM
related: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42014128Sexual assualt >>>> Hazing

How is that related other than being another social problem?

11-18-2017, 05:56 AM
Sexual harassment and assault claims from 20 years ago now making the news, yet the Vegas shooting has gone quiet. So odd..

11-18-2017, 08:33 AM
yet the Vegas shooting has gone quiet. So odd..

It's hard for the left to bitch about gun control when the government fail so miserably and the NRA had their position proven correct on numerous levels.

11-18-2017, 11:23 AM
Geez even Louis CK

At least he fessed up to it and expressed remorse. As opposed to the majority of all the other dickheads that hide behind their lawyers and claim innocence.

11-18-2017, 07:49 PM
Never saw this coming...


Multiple women accuse Ron Jeremy of sexual assault


11-18-2017, 08:20 PM

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11-23-2017, 06:00 PM


11-29-2017, 05:22 AM
Wow man....Matt Lauer hits the skids. The leftist media is eating itself alive.

I'll laugh my ass off when the axe comes down on Don Lemon.

11-29-2017, 06:08 AM
Wow man....Matt Lauer hits the skids. The leftist media is eating itself alive.

I'll laugh my ass off when the axe comes down on Don Lemon.

Crazy man.

"On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment."

11-29-2017, 07:08 AM
These are really kind of scary times. In the current climate, all someone has to do is make an accusation against you and you could be unemployed. This 'zero tolerance' has gone into overdrive. Guilty until proven innocent. And in the court of public perception, there is no judge or jury...it's all ruled by mob justice.

11-29-2017, 08:22 AM
I'm currently awaiting @ 19 different allegations to surface about me. I've just gotta build up that Pay Off slush fund. I'm up to 37 dollars so far. After McDonalds for lunch today it will be back down around 31 dollars.

11-29-2017, 08:23 AM
These are really kind of scary times. In the current climate, all someone has to do is make an accusation against you and you could be unemployed. This 'zero tolerance' has gone into overdrive. Guilty until proven innocent. And in the court of public perception, there is no judge or jury...it's all ruled by mob justice.

in the case of lauer it wasn't just one complaint that lead to his firing:

Indeed, Lack and other NBC News executives have known for weeks that damaging stories could be coming out soon.

Reporters for The New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/29/business/media/nbc-matt-lauer.html) have been investigating Lauer for weeks, according to sources who had been contacted by the Times.

And Variety's New York bureau chief Ramin Setoodeh said on Twitter that he and his colleague Elizabeth Wagmeister have been doing reporting "about serious sexual harassment allegations against Lauer" for two months.

"NBC was aware" of the reporting, Wagmeister tweeted. "There are multiple women we've spoken to with far-ranging accusations against Lauer.

11-29-2017, 09:57 AM
Trump's priceless response to Lauer's firing:

On Twitter on Wednesday, President Donald Trump said "Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for 'inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.' But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News."

11-29-2017, 10:04 AM
Sexual Assault in the work place is a conversation that should have taken place 20 years ago when Bill Clinton was outted as a sexual predator, but at the time the liberal left did a great job of burying the issue for political reasons.

11-29-2017, 10:50 AM
I'm currently awaiting @ 19 different allegations to surface about me. I've just gotta build up that Pay Off slush fund. I'm up to 37 dollars so far. After McDonalds for lunch today it will be back down around 31 dollars.Yeah...you and me both. But I won't have to pay a nickel because I have pics of them gettin' after it with smiling faces. That's the trick, gentlemen...make sure you've got a camera handy.

11-29-2017, 10:55 AM
Sexual Assault in the work place is a conversation that should have taken place 20 years ago when Bill Clinton was outted as a sexual predator, but at the time the liberal left did a great job of burying the issue for political reasons.No shit. They point and snicker and now the chickens be comin' home to roost.

Somethin' else, huh? All it took was 20 years and one Republican prez with a foul mouth to show that the leftist emperor has no clothes.

This is exactly why I voted for Trump...shake things up, baby! All this stuff would likely be buried otherwise.

11-29-2017, 11:24 AM

11-29-2017, 11:26 AM

11-29-2017, 11:29 AM

Scott P
11-29-2017, 01:24 PM
All it took was 20 years and one Republican prez with a foul mouth to show that the leftist emperor has no clothes.

How is Trump any better in this regard? :ne_nau: He has plenty of accusations for sexual misconduct.

11-29-2017, 01:45 PM
How is Trump any better in this regard? :ne_nau: He has plenty of accusations for sexual misconduct.

I love how this is tried to be used as a political football by both sides as if their aren't perverts and harassers on "our" team.

I am just hoping that Joe Buck gets wrapped up in this somehow.

11-29-2017, 02:43 PM
How is Trump any better in this regard? :ne_nau: He has plenty of accusations for sexual misconduct.That's exactly the point... it was OK to be a sexual predator until Trump became president. The question you should be asking was why did we not have this conversation 20 years ago when Clinton was president?

Scott P
11-29-2017, 02:52 PM
That's exactly the point... it was OK to be a sexual predator until Trump became president. The question you should be asking was why did we not have this conversation 20 years ago when Clinton was president?

There were plenty of conversations about it when Clinton was president. Unlike Trump, most people didn't know about it before the election. Neither Trump nor Clinton invented sexual misconduct, but Uintafly is right that it is ignored if someone is in your own party.

As I said before, sexual misconduct must be some sort or resume requirement for running for running for political office.

11-29-2017, 03:27 PM
Uintafly is right that it is ignored if someone is in your own party.

No...he's not right and no, it isn't.

You and Mr. Fly are guilty of the same thing..."Throwing a wet blanket over the whole damn thing". That statement should ring a bell with you, Scott...as you have such a laser sharp memory and I defined that not too long ago.

Besides...someone show me a picture of Trump with a handful of snatch and I'll relent. That guy was surrounded by super smokin' hot chicks and I would imagine in the years that he was a bachelor he was nailing them left and right. With their consent, I might add.

There's plenty of bad boy behavior on both sides. Oldno's posts pretty much sum up why we on the right are delighted with the cast of characters being revealed.

11-29-2017, 03:30 PM
There were plenty of conversations about it when Clinton was president. Yeah, I remember that...

All the accusers where trailer trash whores. Bimbos...right?

Scott P
11-29-2017, 03:33 PM
Besides...someone show me a picture of Trump with a handful of snatch and I'll relent. That guy was surrounded by super smokin' hot chicks and I would imagine in the years that he was a bachelor he was nailing them left and right. With their consent, I might add.

Just because something is photographed doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

There are plenty of accusations against Trump for sexual misconduct. His own wife said that Trump forced himself upon her. Trump's own lawyer said that as per the law there is no such thing as raping your wife.

Also Trump admitted on tape to things that would definitely be considered sexual misconduct, such as this exact quote from the Howard Stern show about walking into the women's locker room at the beauty pageants:

"You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

It was not consensual:


Oldno's posts pretty much sum up why we on the right are delighted with the cast of characters being revealed.

No one should be delighted with sexual misconduct and I don't care who is doing it.

And I do not throw a wet blanket on the whole thing. I think it should always be taken seriously, no matter who is doing it. That includes Bill Clinton, Trump, and everyone else.

11-29-2017, 03:43 PM
No one should be delighted with sexual misconduct and I don't care who is doing it.Personally, I delight in sexual misconduct all the time. Weren't you bragging a few weeks back about banging you wife five times a day?

Scott P
11-29-2017, 03:51 PM
Weren't you bragging a few weeks back about banging you wife five times a day?

Maybe I said five times in a weekend, but usually not in a day. Maybe occasionally, but not normally.

Having consensual sex with your spouse is not sexual misconduct. And even mentioning frequency isn't either, especially if you have permission.

11-29-2017, 04:31 PM
Yeah, I remember that...

All the accusers where trailer trash whores. Bimbos...right?


The Clinton's attempted to destroy any woman that came forward to tell on Bill.

11-29-2017, 04:47 PM

The Clinton's attempted to destroy any woman that came forward to tell on Bill.Exactly! Every single one of them was trashed by the leftist media. Even to this day.

Lewinsky was giving hummers and being poked with a cigar and those that she still sticks with (the liberals) still view her with distain. She's like a glutton for punishment...so I guess she has no one to blame but herself, in that regard. That's something I don't get when it comes to hardcore liberals...they'll let themselves be dragged around by their hair and just go along with the program.

If the Republicans had pulled some sneaky shit like the DNC did, I'd dump the GOP faster that you could say "Where did he go?".

17 people stood on that stage, duked it out and the last one standing won. That's the way it should be...and why I'll never vote liberal.

11-29-2017, 05:00 PM
And in today's news....

Monica Lewinsky slams HLN special carrying her name


Actually worth the read as Lewinsky has a mic drop moment.

11-29-2017, 05:41 PM
Well good for her. Maybe she's tired of being dragged around by her hair after all? I'd bet she has some friends that are talking some sense into her.

I may just watch this thing to see how she's portrayed...I can't imagine CNN throwing Bubba or the hag under the bus. I'd bet they're editing the thing right now.

Lauer was a louse. What he did went way beyond just photocopying your ass. All those people knew damn well what was going on, even the women. They all kept their mouths shut...this morning they were acting all "shocked".

What a freak show...I love it!

11-29-2017, 06:33 PM
Dirk even knows it's not acceptable to call a co-worker into his office and immediately drop his pants. Then reprimand said co-worker for not doing things to me when my pants were down. I'm frankly not the greatest Dad, I can be tough on my teen boys but one thing I've consistently told them is how to behave. To me, it's this simple and I ask them two questions.

Question 1 - "Would you act this way if Grandma was next to you?"
Question 2 - "What would you do if Mom found out? (Then I say "She'll find out")

This has happened forever, every guy knows better.

11-29-2017, 09:57 PM
Well this is awkward, remember this interview?


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11-30-2017, 09:43 AM
Well this is awkward, remember this interview?


Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk

You know these guys have probably been freaking out these last few months as the dominos all dropped around them. He had to know it was a matter of time before the ax came down. Hopefully he saved a little of that $25 mill/year because I don't see him getting work again. Maybe if he was trolling the mall looking for kids he could work in Alabama though.

And why does everyone get so hung up on the pussy grabbing remark? I am more disturbed by his past lust for Ivanka and his admission of spying on the miss teen USA contestants.

11-30-2017, 10:02 AM
And why does everyone get so hung up on the pussy grabbing remark? I am more disturbed by his past lust for Ivanka and his admission of spying on the miss teen USA contestants.

This is why I can't be President

11-30-2017, 11:44 AM
If he grabbed pussy or not doesn't change the fact that O'Reilly is an outstanding author, his Killing Series of books are all excellent.

11-30-2017, 11:48 AM



11-30-2017, 11:51 AM


11-30-2017, 11:52 AM
Just a heads up...

When it's my turn to be president you're probably going to hear some shit that makes you say "WTF is wrong with that boy?"

I'm just here to tell you right now that it's probably all true.

11-30-2017, 11:52 AM
goes with link, above

11-30-2017, 12:17 PM
And why does everyone get so hung up on the pussy grabbing remark? I am more disturbed by his past lust for Ivanka and his admission of spying on the miss teen USA contestants.Sign me up! :nod::nod::nod:

11-30-2017, 01:22 PM
Just a heads up...

When it's my turn to be president you're probably going to hear some shit that makes you say "WTF is wrong with that boy?"

I'm just here to tell you right now that it's probably all true.

Were you intimate with approximately 50 very attractive females, including a gorgeous blonde who you made passionate love with in a hayloft? What about a drop dead redhead from Cleveland?

11-30-2017, 02:24 PM
Were you intimate with approximately 50 very attractive females, including a gorgeous blonde who you made passionate love with in a hayloft? What about a drop dead redhead from Cleveland?Dude... I spent the first 10 years of my adult life as a professional motorcycle racer, to top that off I spent the next 10 racing cars professionally... suffice it to say I have pit lizard stories that would make a porn star blush....

Ahh... sometimes I sure do miss the good old days :-)

Just for giggles....


Scott P
11-30-2017, 02:33 PM
This isn't to anyone on particular, but it is no mystery why there are almost no women left on Bogley.

11-30-2017, 02:54 PM
This isn't to anyone on particular, but it is no mystery why there are almost no women left on Bogley.

For what it is worth, my post was a joke in reference to the Ohio candidate for governor who had a big post bragging about all the women he bedded over the years. His photo made me doubt some of his exploits though.

Iceaxe, I always thought pit and lot lizards were pros. Don't tell me you had to pay???

11-30-2017, 03:45 PM
Iceaxe, I always thought pit and lot lizards were pros. Don't tell me you had to pay???

Pit Lizards are racings version of a rock star groupie, they are also known as helmet polishers. The name comes from the fact that most pits are surrounded by fencing and some of the women spend so much time hanging over the fence you can see the fence imprint on their bellies :-) I'm sure you can figure the helmet polisher out on your own ;-)

My experience has been that in most endeavors where there are winners and losers there a groupies.... The groupies that chase professional athlete's in every professional sport I can think of are as numerous and devout as those who chase rock stars. And don't think it's a one way street, as I know several professional and Olympic women athletes and they have their own devout following of men, although in most case the women don't take the same advantage that the men do, or at least not in the quantity.

Their are also women who chase money and power, and I think some of this current fallout in the political and entertainment industry is a result of that. Because lets look at things realistically. When a chick walks into your office and shuts the door you don't just whip out your dick unless that move has proven successful in the past. It's funny but if you read the accusations against Bill Clinton dropping his pants and whipping out his dick was his go to move, which now it appears is the go to move of many of those in power.

Anyhoo.... that's my 2 cents. YMMV


11-30-2017, 03:58 PM
This isn't to anyone on particular, but it is no mystery why there are almost no women left on Bogley.

That's cute the way you think having more women around would improve the place. If women start hanging around the Bogley corporate office that just means I can't walk around in my underwear, scratching my ass, eating Cheetos and drinking beer whenever I like. If women start showing up I'll have to shower every day, start wearing pants, and learn some manners. Worst of all I'd have to start caring about not hurting someones feelings....

If I want to talk to women I'll just hang with my wife and all her female friends when they watch chick flicks, while painting their nails and drinking female drinks.

Now my Nigerian lawyer has advised me to say no more, I paid him a very large retainer for such advise.


Scott P
11-30-2017, 05:18 PM
That's cute the way you think having more women around would improve the place.

Women usually make things better. Sure, there are some exceptions such as vampire movies; but yes, it would be nice to have more women around.

hank moon
11-30-2017, 08:46 PM

12-01-2017, 05:27 AM
"One of my longstanding gripes is how when conservatives do something bad, it’s proof of the inherent badness of conservatives and conservatism. But when liberals do something bad, it is immediately turned into an indictment of America itself. Joe McCarthy’s excesses were a window into the nature of conservatism, according to historians, intellectuals, and journalists. But when liberals — Attorney General Palmer, Woodrow Wilson, et al. — did far worse, the villain was America itself. When conservatives are racist, it is because they are conservatives. When liberals are racist it is because racism is an “American sin.” In other words, liberalism is never wrong. I could go on at length about this."

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/454161/matt-lauer-fox-news-sexual-harassment-coverageI read this excerpt and thought, "What the hell? This is completely backwards...it's a denial of reality"

But after reading the entire article, it's actually mocking the notion. Pretty good piece...it's interesting that you lifted that bit to quote, as I almost ignored the link.

But I thought..."Nah, Hank doesn't live in la-la land, I've got to check it out".

12-01-2017, 05:35 AM
Women usually make things better. Sure, there are some exceptions such as vampire movies; but yes, it would be nice to have more women around.To me, Bogley is like a bunch of people hanging around a campfire, shooting the bull.

When the boys start getting a bit lewd, rude and crude the women head for the tents...some of the guys, too. I'm one of those that'll hang out 'till 2 in the morning. Looks like you are, too.

I personally don't think that the dominant male presence on this site is straight up because of the bad boys...that late night campfire has always been a tough place for girls to dive into. Probably was the same back in the day with the cavemen.

Scott P
12-01-2017, 08:34 AM
To me, Bogley is like a bunch of people hanging around a campfire, shooting the bull.

When the boys start getting a bit lewd, rude and crude the women head for the tents...some of the guys, too. I'm one of those that'll hang out 'till 2 in the morning. Looks like you are, too.

I personally don't think that the dominant male presence on this site is straight up because of the bad boys...that late night campfire has always been a tough place for girls to dive into. Probably was the same back in the day with the cavemen.

Although men have always been a majority at Bogley, there used to be several women who used to post regularly. Other than an occasional post from one of them, they are all gone. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least five of them (I'm sure there are more though) who used to be very common posters here and there were several other occasional female posters.

As far as people leaving, it isn't because people are getting their feelings hurt; it is because most of what is posted on Bogley is garbage and there isn't as much useful information posted anymore. The general sub forum is the most popular sub-forum while the others are mostly dead. Take a look at the number of postings in each sub forum to confirm this. Even the canyoneering forum is nearly dead with only a handful of people regularly posting.

Of course people looking for useful information can just ignore the general sub forum and go straight to the other ones, but if the information there is lacking, many people lose interest.

12-01-2017, 10:20 AM
Scott P
"As far as people leaving, it isn't because people are etting their feelings hurt; it is because most of what is posted on Bogley is garbage and there isn't as much useful information posted anymore........, but if the information there is lacking, many people lose interest."

I couldn't agree more..... lack of information and loss of interest hits it right on the head.

12-01-2017, 11:26 AM
Scott P
"As far as people leaving, it isn't because people are etting their feelings hurt; it is because most of what is posted on Bogley is garbage and there isn't as much useful information posted anymore........, but if the information there is lacking, many people lose interest."

I couldn't agree more..... lack of information and loss of interest hits it right on the head.

Well sir, that officially makes you part of the solution. I for one enjoy all of your amazing posts, and I'm sure others do also.

12-01-2017, 01:50 PM
^^Right here^^

I get it too, I've got so many potential Trip Reports and Videos to post that I haven't gotten around to. I swear I'm out somewhere every week, getting photos or video of something outside, but I've been terrible at posting this year. Maybe that's why some people think I hate the outdoors :haha:

But for those of us who have content to share, and choose not to share it here on Bogley, and then ask why the forum activity is slow one week... we've just answered our question.

The thing is, since 2004, the same question has been asked that gets asked on most forums about the membership, activity, quality of posts, if it's slowing down, things like that. The truth is, we've seen the usual ups and downs as always, and we plan on being here for 13 more years too.


12-01-2017, 03:47 PM
It's pretty easy to influence and power a sub forum on Bogley. All you have to do is start providing content. One or two people powering a sub forum on Bogley normally provides a huge increase in activity in that sub forum. Over the years different forums have increased and decreased in popularity, and the increase is always someone powering that particular forum with content. And the decrease comes when that person moves on to other interests, often not because of Bogley, but because of life (family, marriage, kids, work).

I'm willing to bet 90% of us regulars hang out here just for entertainment when they're bored, or at least that's what I do.

By the way.... How do you like my new race car?



12-01-2017, 05:37 PM

12-01-2017, 05:53 PM
I could post lots of trip reports, too. But only do so when it's something that I think is unique...my trip to Big Bend, for example. I'll be kayaking in Baja in January, so I'll put one up for that. Everything else is standard hiking, biking, etc...

Like some of you guys have said, just because some people (including women) have come and gone doesn't mean there's a "problem" with the site. Lately, it seems that there are about 30 or so guys...and a few gals, that slap down something on a regular basis. Maybe 15 or so that are in here weekly.

I think that's fine...would it be "better" if those numbers were doubled or more?

I like this site. I come here because I love the desert and all the fun I have in it and it's interesting to me to "hang" with others that get the same thrill. I have absolutely no concern for "proper behavior" by anyone, including myself...Besides, what would it take to draw more women around here? Anybody got an answer for that aside from banning Shane and all the hot chicks?

Remember Phillip? That guy DEMANDED that some around here behave in a way that was acceptable to HIM...and he blew himself up when they wouldn't go along with the program. Should everyone on the site have caved in to his demands? I think not.

12-01-2017, 05:58 PM
most of what is posted on Bogley is garbage .

Well, says you.

Remember Scott...one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Scott P
12-02-2017, 12:14 AM
The thing is, since 2004, the same question has been asked that gets asked on most forums about the membership, activity, quality of posts, if it's slowing down, things like that. The truth is, we've seen the usual ups and downs as always, and we plan on being here for 13 more years too.

Yes, I believe Bogley will still be here in 13 years. It will probably be the same people here having the same conversations over and over again.

That doesn't change the fact that the usefulness (from an outdoor standpoint) and nature of the site is changing though. It happens to a lot of websites, many of which are/were a lot worse than Bogley. 14erworld was a prime example, but I assume people here aren't familiar with that one.

"Entertainment" or trolling post are definitely on the increase here, while useful outdoor post have decreased significantly. It's not hard to browse through the subforums and see that this is true.

12-02-2017, 05:57 AM
Perhaps everything that relates to social commentary, politics or water cooler talk should be immediately moved back down to the basement where it used to be?

I was gone from here for a couple years and when I came back I'd noticed that had changed...the basement and general discussion kinda blended together. Perhaps potential new members (and lots of existing ones) are turned off by that?

Matt Lauer, over time, turned into an alpha male tyrant. That dude went full on Caligula. Perhaps the same thing has happened here...some of us have taken over the place and made it objectionable.

Perhaps some of us should take a break from the site and see if things improve?

See Scott, I don't disagree with ya, I'd just like to see some kind of proposed solution. Maybe a poll?

"Are there certain members around here that ruin it for you...and if so, who are they?"

Y'know...a nice, civil witch hunt. Get rid of the predators.

12-02-2017, 12:10 PM
Everything mentioned has some merit, but I think you are missing the elephant in the room.

Facebook started the same year as bogley in 2004. It started getting traction in 2008-2009 and has continued to grow, reaching critical mass. MANY members have met people with similar outdoor interests on bogley and then connected on Facebook, well the rest is history. Oh yeah and the second largest social network (photo site), Instagram, owned by Facebook.

You can see the stats and read about the history here. Facebook is the largest social network in the world. Did it affect forums and other community sites? Well duh, absolutely. Do I think bogley has its place? Absolutely.

Facebook Stats:

1.37 billion daily active users on average for September 2017

2.07 billion monthly active users as of September 30, 2017


12-04-2017, 09:08 AM

12-05-2017, 09:35 AM


12-05-2017, 10:22 AM

https://www.ksl.com/?sid=46211065&nid=157&title=conyers-resigns-from-congress-amid-harassment-allegationsConyers represents a Democratic stronghold, so the Dems were more then willing to have him fall on his sword. Heck, they are even putting his son forward as the heir apparent.

12-05-2017, 12:37 PM
Also note the Dems are defending Al Frankin because if he "retires" his district is up for grabs.

12-06-2017, 08:05 PM
Franken is toast...


12-06-2017, 08:34 PM
That guy should have been annihilated when that picture of him grabbing that gal's tits while she was sleeping came out...that was like, a month ago?

Of all these dudes spiraling down in flames, I haven't seen anything as bad as that. And these stinking dems act like they're outraged 'cuz Moore was tryin' to get some teen 'tang when he was 30 years old. Hell, I was trying to get young nookie when I was that age. Had a girlfriend who was 19 when I was 26...does that count as child rape? She could have been 16 for all I cared...she was hot.

Fully consensual, I might add. Shoulda married that girl.

12-07-2017, 08:50 AM

Watch live

12-07-2017, 08:59 AM

Trumps fault:haha:

Ahh the seeds you sow..........

12-07-2017, 09:36 AM

12-07-2017, 10:28 AM
adios, senator.
This will allow you to sit back and be yourself.

12-07-2017, 11:21 AM

Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk

12-08-2017, 07:12 AM

12-08-2017, 10:12 AM
That guy should have been annihilated when that picture of him grabbing that gal's tits while she was sleeping came out...that was like, a month ago?

Of all these dudes spiraling down in flames, I haven't seen anything as bad as that. And these stinking dems act like they're outraged 'cuz Moore was tryin' to get some teen 'tang when he was 30 years old. Hell, I was trying to get young nookie when I was that age. Had a girlfriend who was 19 when I was 26...does that count as child rape? She could have been 16 for all I cared...she was hot.

Fully consensual, I might add. Shoulda married that girl.

26 and 19 is not even close to the same as mid 30's and 16. One is perfectly normal legal behavior, one is criminal behavior. It's not really that complicated. If you are good with 16, what about 15? 14? 13? Or does it come down to whether she is hot or not? At some point in the past society pretty much decided on 18 as the legal age of consent and the sex offender registry is filled with pervs like Moore that were having "consensual" sex with kids.

12-11-2017, 08:27 AM
As a business owner I'm thinking all of these sexual allegations are going to spin around and bite women on the ass, and apparently I'm not alone in my thinking.

Will misconduct scandals make men wary of women at work?


12-11-2017, 09:22 AM
That's been a problem for a while now. I had a coworker at a previous job that started there around 11 or 12 years ago. She's still there and is still an idiot. She consistently produces some of the worst drawings I've ever seen and every detailer in that company cringes when they see her initials on the plans for the next job on their desk. She drags the morale of the entire company down with her. They don't do anything about it because she's mean and her manager is afraid of her. They have gotten rid of a lot of other better employees for less than what she's done to deserve it.

There are other factors as to why she's still employed there but I'm telling you it's not her good attitude, work ethic, or her ability to work well with others, and take constructive criticism well and improve her work.

They take it because they are big enough and have the funds to drag around some dead weight, but I'll tell you that if I had a similar person at my company, I'd be out of business with all the crap work that goes out that door.

12-11-2017, 09:25 AM
As a business owner I'm thinking all of these sexual allegations are going to spin around and bite women on the ass

I never really got into the biting stuff but with enough vodka and a full can of whipped cream, I can see where it comes in.

12-11-2017, 10:21 AM
As a business owner I'm thinking all of these sexual allegations are going to spin around and bite women on the ass, and apparently I'm not alone in my thinking.

Will misconduct scandals make men wary of women at work?


"If I were unwilling to have an individual conversation with you because of your gender, I'm communicating 'you're unreliable; you're a risk,'" says Johnson, a U.S. Naval Academy psychology professor.

Ding, ding

12-11-2017, 09:38 PM
Marshall Faulk, Ike Taylor, and Heath Evans have been suspended by NFL Network while the company conducts an investigation into allegations they sexually assaulted and harassed a former wardrobe stylist, Scott Soshnick of Bloomberg reports.

The lawsuit was filed on Oct. 6 by a former employee who is suing NFL Network for sexual harassment, age discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and defamation, according to an October report from NBC Los Angeles. The case has been filed in California Superior Court.

The former employee has listed Faulk, Evans, and Taylor in the lawsuit, along with ex-NFL Network executive producer Eric Weinberger, who now works for The Ringer.

Weinberger allegedly sent several nude photos of himself to the former employee and rubbed his genitals against her, asking her to touch him sexually. When asked about the allegations, Weinberger reportedly hung up, according to Soshnick.

Bill Simmons, CEO of The Ringer, did not respond to an email from Bloomberg regarding the allegations.

Faulk allegedly groped her and would ask unwanted questions about her sex life, according to the amended complaint listed in the lawsuit.

Taylor is accused of sending sexually graphic photos of himself, along with a graphic video depicting a sexual act.

Donovan McNabb, who worked for the network in 2012, was listed in the complaint for allegedly texting her with sexually explicit comments.

The representatives of Faulk, Taylor, and McNabb did not respond to a request for comment from Bloomberg regarding the allegations.

The lawsuit also alleges the ex-employee wasn't reimbursed for expenses or overtime and was fired in October 2016, after working at NFL Network's studio in Culver City, Calif. since 2006. In her lawsuit, she stated she was fired after being falsely accused of stealing clothing from an employee and noted she was 51 when fired, while her replacement was 30.

12-11-2017, 10:13 PM
At some point in the past society pretty much decided on 18 as the legal age of consent and the sex offender registry is filled with pervs like Moore that were having "consensual" sex with kids.The point I was making is that if she and I had gotten together only a year earlier than we did, I could have been thrown in jail.

Look what Jerry Lee Lewis did...and he's an icon. Controversial, but he got away with it. How old was Prescilla Presley when Elvis swooped in?...14. Ted Nugent was (according to him) nailing several teenage girls every night. Said he was addicted to them. I'm just listing a bunch of pervs, right? But back in the day things like this happened a lot. I would imagine that what Moore tried to do was not totally unusual in that area of the country.

I wonder about how old females were a hundred years ago when they flew the coop? Heck, I lost my virginity to a 14 year old girl. She knew what to do, I was clueless. I'll never forget that day...September 10th, 1979 about 10 o'clock in the morning. There are some WILD girls out there.

I never had any kids, but I could imagine that any guy that would come sniffing around if I regarded my daughter as still a young girl would be in for a world of hurt. I was making out with a girl in her bedroom when we were both 15 and her dad walked in on us...I had a handful of boob goin' and he flipped out.

Funny how people say you shouldn't do this and you shouldn't do that but it's happening all around them anyway.

Oh well, we'll see what happens tomorrow. Personally, I'd vote for Moore if I lived there.

12-19-2017, 07:22 AM

12-19-2017, 10:44 AM
It looks like Franken is bailing on his promise to step down from the Senate. It appears it was all a Democratic scam to make Roy Moore look bad so he wouldn't get elected.

12-19-2017, 04:44 PM
It looks like Franken is bailing on his promise to step down from the Senate. It appears it was all a Democratic scam to make Roy Moore look bad so he wouldn't get elected.

Fascinating. When/where did he say he wasn't resigning? And what does that have to do with Moore?

12-19-2017, 07:27 PM
Fascinating. When/where did he say he wasn't resigning? And what does that have to do with Moore?Let's put it this way... I'm taking bets that Franken doesn't step down voluntarily... step up and place your bets... if you think I'm wrong this should be easy money.... the betting window is now open.

12-20-2017, 01:49 PM
Let's put it this way... I'm taking bets that Franken doesn't step down voluntarily... step up and place your bets... if you think I'm wrong this should be easy money.... the betting window is now open.

I will take the bet. $100?

12-20-2017, 02:06 PM
I will take the bet. $100?


12-20-2017, 02:40 PM
I will take the bet. $100?

You should have taken the bet yesterday before Franken gave us a January 2 date earlier today. It was his open ended date that caused me issues....

12-20-2017, 02:49 PM
I would have taken that bet, too. He's the only one that has a picture of him being a creep. He's as toxic as Johnny Danger.

Hell, I would have bet you a grandad on that one.

12-20-2017, 03:05 PM
I would have taken that bet, too. He's the only one that has a picture of him being a creep. He's as toxic as Johnny Danger.

Hell, I would have bet you a grandad on that one.

Franken originally left his resignation date open ended.... I just didn't think there was a chance in hell he would step down voluntarily. I figured he would just drag this out for a couple weeks until the media moved on to their next feeding frenzy, that's what most politicians do in this day and age.

Yesterday many Democrats were urging Franken to stay in office and go before an ethics review panel to see if he should be removed. It was that shit storm brewing over Franken's open date that made me offer the bet, but he named a date this morning which closed the betting window.

12-21-2017, 05:32 AM
He is an actor, but I thought he gave a great resignation speech.


12-21-2017, 06:07 AM
You should have taken the bet yesterday before Franken gave us a January 2 date earlier today. It was his open ended date that caused me issues....

I was hoping you were going to miss that news today.

01-05-2018, 05:34 PM
Another on bites the dust..


01-10-2018, 06:28 AM

01-10-2018, 06:53 AM

Is that Oprah sucking on Weinstein's earlobe? :eek2:

Funny to think that just recently Orrin Hatch unofficially endorsed her as the next president...

01-15-2018, 02:06 PM

01-15-2018, 04:33 PM
Wonder how much oprah sold her to harvey,for.

01-16-2018, 06:22 AM

01-26-2018, 06:14 PM
Things are blowing up at Michigan State and the NCAA.

Report: NCAA president was alerted to Michigan State sexual assaults in 2010

NCAA president Mark Emmert was reportedly notified in November 2010 of 37 complaints of sexual assault committed by Michigan State athletes.

A letter sent to Emmert - dated Nov. 17, 2010 - by National Coalition Against Violent Athletes founder Kathy Redmond reveals her concerns with Michigan State, specifically, which she raised to Emmert. The letter was sent after Redmond and Emmert met in person to discuss the nationwide issue of sexual violence involving NCAA athletes.

Redmond told Nicole Auerbach of The Athletic she left her meeting with Emmert encouraged by his stated desire to address and eliminate sexual violence, but saw minimal action taken to back up his words.

"What I really got from the experience with Mark Emmert was that governing body governs him," she said. "He met with me, which was great and I appreciated that. But the governing board has an awful lot of power. … It's a strange setup. You do kind of get the fox-guarding-the-hen-house mentality. You do feel like the NCAA doesn't like to do investigations because they like their relationships (with university officials and conferences). I think Mark Emmert came in with the right tone but quickly realized 'there’s not a lot I can do here.'"

Redmond said she specifically pointed to how Michigan State president Lou Anna K. Simon had handled a complaint of sexual assault against two basketball players (Keith Appling and Adreian Payne) in the meeting with Emmert more than seven years ago.

Simon stepped down from her post Wednesday amid public outrage over the university's handling of sexual assault complaints. The scandal gained notoriety during the trial of Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics doctor who also worked in Michigan State's athletic department. Accused of abusing more than 150 women since 1992, he was sentenced Wednesday to up to 175 years in jail.

01-30-2018, 10:01 PM
Talk about attempting to bury a story.... Hillary Clinton releases explanation on why she didn't fire sexual predator and campaign adviser moments before Presidents State of the Union address.


01-31-2018, 11:11 AM
Things are blowing up at Michigan State and the NCAA.

Report: NCAA president was alerted to Michigan State sexual assaults in 2010

NCAA president Mark Emmert was reportedly notified in November 2010 of 37 complaints of sexual assault committed by Michigan State athletes.

A letter sent to Emmert - dated Nov. 17, 2010 - by National Coalition Against Violent Athletes founder Kathy Redmond reveals her concerns with Michigan State, specifically, which she raised to Emmert. The letter was sent after Redmond and Emmert met in person to discuss the nationwide issue of sexual violence involving NCAA athletes.

Redmond told Nicole Auerbach of The Athletic she left her meeting with Emmert encouraged by his stated desire to address and eliminate sexual violence, but saw minimal action taken to back up his words.

"What I really got from the experience with Mark Emmert was that governing body governs him," she said. "He met with me, which was great and I appreciated that. But the governing board has an awful lot of power. … It's a strange setup. You do kind of get the fox-guarding-the-hen-house mentality. You do feel like the NCAA doesn't like to do investigations because they like their relationships (with university officials and conferences). I think Mark Emmert came in with the right tone but quickly realized 'there’s not a lot I can do here.'"

Redmond said she specifically pointed to how Michigan State president Lou Anna K. Simon had handled a complaint of sexual assault against two basketball players (Keith Appling and Adreian Payne) in the meeting with Emmert more than seven years ago.

Simon stepped down from her post Wednesday amid public outrage over the university's handling of sexual assault complaints. The scandal gained notoriety during the trial of Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics doctor who also worked in Michigan State's athletic department. Accused of abusing more than 150 women since 1992, he was sentenced Wednesday to up to 175 years in jail.

I love how the Mark Emmert didn't do a thing about Michigan State, but a year later brought the hammer down on Miami for Shapiro buying consensual lap dances for players.

02-01-2018, 08:06 AM
I love how the Mark Emmert didn't do a thing about Michigan State, but a year later brought the hammer down on Miami for Shapiro buying consensual lap dances for players.

Exactly what I was thinking.

02-02-2018, 05:41 PM
Father goes postal on Nassar in court and has to be restrained.


02-02-2018, 05:43 PM
The judge decided not to prosecute.


02-02-2018, 06:38 PM
The judge decided not to prosecute.

That's right white of her....

Scott P
02-05-2018, 10:28 PM
Early Xerox commercial:


02-06-2018, 06:08 AM
Oh my. That's so bad, it's good. We've come a long way, baby.

02-06-2018, 07:37 AM
The judge decided not to prosecute.



02-06-2018, 07:14 PM
Casino tycoon Steve Wynn resigns, citing 'avalance' of bad publicity amid sex misconduct claims


02-07-2018, 12:01 PM
When I retire, I'm going to create some buzz and say it's because of allegations of sexual misconduct. That will get people talking, even if there was none at the time. Then I'll have all kinds of ex girlfriends and flings come out of the woodwork with their own embellished stories, to which I would approve each one of them if they are still hot.

04-24-2018, 03:34 PM
Sandy police chief fired after inappropriate touching


Sandstone Addiction
04-25-2018, 06:55 AM
Was listening to the news on 105.9 on the way home from work yesterday...3 stories in a row of sex abuse. Abby only has enough time to report on about a half dozen stories in each segment.

Pedophile teacher in West Valley abusing a 9 year old.

The Police Chief in Sandy.

Then there was the other pedophile from Vineyard that was convicted of raping and sodomizing an 8 year old girl.

What the hell is going on???? :ne_nau:

05-07-2018, 07:03 PM
New York AG Eric Schneiderman resigns amid allegations he physically abused 4 women

05-07-2018, 08:50 PM
And Tom Sizemore goes down in flames....

Woman sues actor Tom Sizemore alleging sex abuse on Salt Lake movie set

05-07-2018, 08:52 PM
Eric Schneiderman, powerful NY Democrat accused of violence against women and drug abuse, resigns as state attorney general


05-09-2018, 07:47 AM
New York AG Eric Schneiderman resigns amid allegations he physically abused 4 womenInteresting, wasn't he one of the major champions of the #metoo movement? Didn't he trash Harvey and Trump for treating women like that?

Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk

05-09-2018, 08:15 AM
Interesting, wasn't he one of the major champions of the #metoo movement? Didn't he trash Harvey and Trump for treating women like that?

Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
Yes, yes and yes.

05-24-2018, 01:51 PM
Morgan Freeman is next in the queue amid numerous allegations from multiple sources.


double moo
05-24-2018, 05:20 PM
Morgan Freeman is next in the queue amid numerous allegations from multiple sources.


"... it was wierd, he kept calling me Andy..."

05-31-2018, 08:35 PM
Redskins exec resigns in wake of cheerleading scandal

Dennis Greene, who at one point served as Washington Redskins president of business operations and was involved in the team's ill-fated 2013 cheerleader photo shoot, has resigned, a team spokesman confirmed Thursday, per Liz Clarke of the Washington Post.

A report surfaced in early May that stated some cheerleaders were required to pose topless in front of male sponsors and suite holders, and later act as escorts to a Costa Rican nightclub.

While in charge of selling luxury suites at FedEx Field, Greene promised access to the team's cheerleaders as an incentive for potential buyers, according to a former Redskins official.

"They'd send suite owners down there, and that's how Dennis Greene got people to buy suites," the official told the Washington Post. "He'd say, 'I'm going to give you a good deal, and you can go on a trip with the cheerleaders.'"

Greene had recently been named the team's president of hospitality but leaves the team after a 17-year tenure.

https://www.thescore.com/nfl/news/1552517Redskins exec resigns in wake of cheerleading scandal

05-31-2018, 09:33 PM
Asking for a friend... So where exactly would one look to find the pictures of the topless cheerleaders?

06-07-2018, 08:28 AM
Anyone been paying attention to Bubba's recent interview? He is getting roosted in the media... one thing I've noticed about progressives is they relish eating their own when they no longer have any value.

Bill Clinton thinks HE’S the victim… in the age of #MeToo -- Will he ever grow up?


06-12-2018, 04:07 PM
Clinton: ‘Norms have changed for what you can do to somebody against their will’ (https://nypost.com/2018/06/11/bill-clinton-defends-al-franken-during-controversial-interview/)

07-02-2018, 10:33 PM

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

07-03-2018, 05:51 PM
Anyone been paying attention to Bubba's recent interview? He is getting roosted in the media... one thing I've noticed about progressives is they relish eating their own when they no longer have any value.

Bill Clinton thinks HE’S the victim… in the age of #MeToo -- Will he ever grow up?

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/06/07/bill-clinton-thinks-s-victim-in-age-metoo-will-ever-grow-up.htmlI saw where he was recently on with one of the late night sissies. Clinton mentions "MeToo" and everyone in the audience starts cheering. What a bunch of f'ing retards.

This guy had a teenage girl blowing him in the closet and was shoving cigars up her noonie...then calls her a slut when he was done with her. And these fools cheer him.

12-25-2018, 12:35 PM
Filmed 12/24/18. WTF...


12-27-2018, 07:33 AM
Wow. I always thought Kevin Spacey was a great actor. The sad part is that this really comes off as a very desperate attempt at clearing his name and getting his job back.

05-30-2019, 01:09 PM
Singer R. Kelly charged with 11 new counts of sexual abuse


05-30-2019, 01:20 PM
Singer R. Kelly charged with 11 new counts of sexual abuse


"....four of the 11 new charges are listed as aggravated criminal sexual assault, a Class X felony that could land Kelly in prison for six to 30 years should he be convicted on any of them."

Saying she was "sickened" by the allegations, State's Attorney Kim Foxx called a press conference in January to solicit accusers and witnesses (https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2019/01/08/damning-r-kelly-doc-reignites-prosecutors-interest-atlanta-chicago/2516933002/) to come forward.

^^^You will recall that Kim Foxx is that royal douchebag that let Jussy walk free and dropped all charges. Apparently if you're a black celebrity you're guaranteed immunity...at least in Chicago.

05-30-2019, 02:17 PM
State's Attorney Kim Foxx

R. Kelly has got to be liking his chances about now.... He just better hope that Foxx didn't blow her entire wad on Jussy.

07-06-2019, 09:22 PM
Jeffrey Epstein Arrested in NYC on Sex Trafficking Charges: Sources


07-06-2019, 09:29 PM
Corner Canyon high school football coach accused of enticing minor


07-07-2019, 11:46 AM
Corner Canyon high school football coach accused of enticing minor


This is so sad. This dude's life is officially over. There's no coming back from this.

07-07-2019, 02:03 PM
This is so sad. This dude's life is officially over. There's no coming back from this.I'm not sure if I have much sympathy... 40 year old men shouldn't be trying to screw 13 year old girls.

But with that being said I'd like to know more details as I believed some of these stings being run are entrapment.

double moo
07-07-2019, 02:28 PM
Sophmore Football Coach? Didn't know the Soph's had a team... some 3 people at the school will miss him.

07-07-2019, 02:47 PM
But with that being said I'd like to know more details as I believed some of these stings being run are entrapment.

I thought about that too, but he must have been in the wrong place to get the offer. Then he took the bait.

07-07-2019, 02:51 PM
Sophmore Football Coach? Didn't know the Soph's had a team... some 3 people at the school will miss him.High schools have freshmen through Varsity team... and yes he will be missed as CCHS has a winning program (2018 state championship). A winning football program begins with teaching the correct fundamentals and becoming familiar with the offense and defense run under the program. Not to mention the vast amounts of experience gained through playing at the lower levels.

Winning football programs don't just happen, they are built from the ground up beginning with the high schools support of the local Pop Warner league.

Scott Card
07-07-2019, 11:11 PM
I thought about that too, but he must have been in the wrong place to get the offer. Then he took the bait. The good cops don't make offers. I have read several of these police reports and the guy is always the aggressor and the one doing the offering. The girl (aka old ugly cop) plays dumb and innocent and talks like a 13 year old. She (old cop) also makes it very clear they are 13 and never pushes it directly. They ask questions like "what do you want to do" or make statements like "that seems fun". The reports are truly creepy and frankly disgusting. By the way, in Utah County, they have started charging attempted rape along with the internet crimes. These are ugly cases with significant legal and real life consequences.

07-08-2019, 02:59 AM
The good cops don't make offers. I have read several of these police reports and the guy is always the aggressor and the one doing the offering. The girl (aka old ugly cop) plays dumb and innocent and talks like a 13 year old. She (old cop) also makes it very clear they are 13 and never pushes it directly. They ask questions like "what do you want to do" or make statements like "that seems fun". The reports are truly creepy and frankly disgusting. By the way, in Utah County, they have started charging attempted rape along with the internet crimes. These are ugly cases with significant legal and real life consequences.

Ugh. I guess people just really go off the rails. Hard to comprehend that kind of behavior.

07-08-2019, 07:28 AM
NEW YORK – Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire financier, philanthropist and registered sex offender, was charged with sex-trafficking*girls as young as 14 in a federal indictment unsealed Monday.

Epstein was scheduled to make his first court appearance later Monday after his arrest over the weekend.*The*charges stem from accusations that date to the early 2000s.

Epstein "sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes" in Manhattan and Palm Beach, Florida, along with other locations, the indictment says. Epstein also paid some of his victims to recruit more victims, according to the indictment.


07-08-2019, 07:51 AM
It sounds like Epstein had a safety agreement that fell through, and since there's no statute of limitations for underage sex crimes, it can all come back. He's NOT the biggest name involved either. He was friends with both Bill Clinton AND Trump, so let's see what happens and who will get sold out for a deal.

07-08-2019, 09:28 AM
He was friends with both Bill Clinton AND Trump, so let's see what happens and who will get sold out for a deal.

I believe you will find the "Trump" association to be more #FakeNews. It's the mainstream media trying to destroy him once more. And the reason I say that is Trump banned Epstein from his golf courses and country clubs years ago for trying to screw the underaged staff.

So yes Trump knew Epstein, Yes Trump was aware of his pedolihlia, and yes Trump took steps to protect those he could........

Now lets talk Bill Clinton and his dozens of trips to kiddie porn island, including trips where he ditched his security detail to visit.


07-08-2019, 09:50 AM
Well I just think it would be hilarious if the media pushed that Trump was friends with Epstein, only to be built up with anticipation and let down again like with the Mueller Report, only left with the damning claim that Trump refused these things but Clinton partook.

Saying that, it's not funny at all what happened, but it is hilarious to watch the rise and fall of Trump's enemies' expectations.

07-08-2019, 10:47 AM
The media are trying their damndest to smear Trump in some round about way with this story.

From the article:

"Under the once-secret deal — overseen by Alexander Acosta, who was the U.S. attorney in Miami at the time and is now Trump's labor secretary — Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting and procuring a person under age 18 for prostitution. He avoided a possible life sentence and served 13 months in jail."

Who the labor secretary currently is has absolutely no bearing on this story -- and yet they just couldn't resist tossing that little nugget in there, somehow tying Trump in with Epstein's dirty laundry. :roll:


07-08-2019, 12:00 PM
Yeah... the media is trying to smear Trump by association.... what a sad story our 4th estate has become.

07-09-2019, 07:04 AM
Did you see Bill Clinton come out and say that he hardly knew Epstein, when nobody even asked him about it? :roflol:He also did NOT have sexual relations with that woman :lol8:

07-09-2019, 02:15 PM

07-09-2019, 05:16 PM
Snicker - snicker...



07-09-2019, 09:24 PM
Sterling Van Wagenen, a founder of the Sundance Film Festival, has been ordered to a second prison term of 6 years to life for sexually abusing a girl when she was less than 10 years old.


07-09-2019, 09:26 PM
Did you see Bill Clinton come out and say that he hardly knew Epstein, when nobody even asked him about it? :roflol:He also did NOT have sexual relations with that woman :lol8:


07-09-2019, 09:32 PM
^^^oh snap! :lol8:

07-10-2019, 03:44 AM

07-10-2019, 09:23 AM

07-10-2019, 09:25 AM
Sterling Van Wagenen, a founder of the Sundance Film Festival, has been ordered to a second prison term of 6 years to life for sexually abusing a girl when she was less than 10 years old.


This doesn't surprise me. I used to work in TV and video production many years ago and I didn't like being around him. He was really full of himself and creepy.

07-10-2019, 10:35 AM
This doesn't surprise me. I used to work in TV and video production many years ago and I didn't like being around him. He was really full of himself and creepy.

He's being charged with two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child. Doesn't "aggravated" mean that he threatened with bodily harm?

i.e. "Don't tell anybody about this or I'll kill you....?" Etc

Questions for Scott Card

07-10-2019, 11:01 AM
He's being charged with two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child. Doesn't "aggravated" mean that he threatened with bodily harm?

i.e. "Don't tell anybody about this or I'll kill you....?" Etc

Questions for @Scott Card (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=181)

I'm assuming it means at least touching or physical contact, not necessarily violent or threatening. Sometimes these charges like "assault" give the wrong impression like somebody was punched hard in the face.

Scott Card
07-10-2019, 01:13 PM
He's being charged with two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child. Doesn't "aggravated" mean that he threatened with bodily harm?

i.e. "Don't tell anybody about this or I'll kill you....?" Etc

Questions for @Scott Card (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=181)

Here you go rockgremlin. First the definition of Sexual Abuse of a Child followed by what constitutes an "aggravated" sexual abuse of a child. All disgusting stuff.

(2) An individual commits sexual abuse of a child if, under circumstances not amounting to rape of a child, object rape of a child, sodomy on a child, or an attempt to commit any of these offenses, the actor touches the anus, buttocks, pubic area, or genitalia of any child, the breast of a female child, or otherwise takes indecent liberties with a child, with intent to cause substantial emotional or bodily pain to any individual or with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any individual regardless of the sex of any participant.

(4) An individual commits aggravated sexual abuse of a child when in conjunction with the offense described in Subsection (2) any of the following circumstances have been charged and admitted or found true in the action for the offense:
(a) the offense was committed by the use of a dangerous weapon as defined in Section 76-1-601, or by force, duress, violence, intimidation, coercion, menace, or threat of harm, or was committed during the course of a kidnapping;
(b) the accused caused bodily injury or severe psychological injury to the victim during or as a result of the offense;
(c) the accused was a stranger to the victim or made friends with the victim for the purpose of committing the offense;
(d) the accused used, showed, or displayed pornography or caused the victim to be photographed in a lewd condition during the course of the offense;
(e) the accused, prior to sentencing for this offense, was previously convicted of any sexual offense;
(f) the accused committed the same or similar sexual act upon two or more victims at the same time or during the same course of conduct;
(g) the accused committed, in Utah or elsewhere, more than five separate acts, which if committed in Utah would constitute an offense described in this chapter, and were committed at the same time, or during the same course of conduct, or before or after the instant offense;
(h) the offense was committed by an individual who occupied a position of special trust in relation to the victim;
(i) the accused encouraged, aided, allowed, or benefitted from acts of prostitution or sexual acts by the victim with any other individual, or sexual performance by the victim before any other individual, human trafficking, or human smuggling; or
(j) the accused caused the penetration, however slight, of the genital or anal opening of the child by any part or parts of the human body other than the genitals or mouth.

07-10-2019, 02:08 PM
Yikes - so the term "aggravated" casts a very wide net.

Once it wades into the realm of sexual abuse there are numerous actions that can qualify for aggravated status.

07-10-2019, 03:34 PM
An individual commits sexual abuse of a child if, under circumstances not amounting to rape of a child

(b) the accused caused bodily injury or severe psychological injury to the victim during or as a result of the offense;

^^^The Reader's Digest condensed version....^^^

So bottomline all sexual abuse is aggravated sexual abuse, because it's almost impossible to commit item number one without item number 2.

07-10-2019, 04:16 PM
^^^The Reader's Digest condensed version....^^^

So bottomline all sexual abuse is aggravated sexual abuse, because it's almost impossible to commit item number one without item number 2.

That's what I thought as well.

Scott Card
07-10-2019, 06:41 PM
And the motive is..... protect kids.

double moo
07-13-2019, 03:29 PM
Boycott his films... stop the flow of residual cash to this creep!

08-28-2019, 06:00 PM
Accused child sex offender reportedly castrates himself in jail

TOOELE COUNTY (ABC4 News) – An accused child rapist locked up at the Tooele County Detention Center apparently took justice into his own hands with a shocking and brutal form of self-punishment.

Mark Swan, 48, of Grantsville, is facing 24 charges of child sex abuse involving five different victims. He’s accused of committing horrific acts on children under 13 including seven counts of sodomy, five counts of object rape and two counts of rape plus two counts of aggravated kidnapping and two counts of aggravated sexual abuse.

“To be honest you ought to cut out his testes,” Grantsville resident Norris Critchlow told ABC4 News Wednesday.

That may no longer be necessary.

Jail Commander Lieutenant Ray Clinton of the Tooele County Sheriff’s Office released a statement reading in part: “We had an inmate (Mark Swan) who self mutilated themselves on Sunday August 25th with a secreted razor. The inmate received treatment for his wounds at a local hospital and has returned to the Tooele County Detention Center.”

Lt. Clinton did not elaborate on Swan’s self-inflicted injuries citing HIPAA laws but two sources told ABC4 News that Swan castrated himself in his cell.

“Hell, that’s one way to take care of the problem I guess,” Mike Montgomery of Grantsville said.

“That’s a good thing. I’m sorry but it is. It’s a good thing,” Critchlow said. “Then he can’t come after anybody else.”

“I look at it as if it’s self poetic justice,” Wayland Kathan of Grantsville said. “Honestly, I think he was more scared of the actions to come with people inside the jail as well coming from personal experience I know how that works and better him do it that somebody else honestly but other than that I thing it’s just totally ridiculous.”

Tooele County Prosecutor Robert Clegg told ABC4 News that Mr. Swan’s injuries have no bearing on his legal case and that he was able to attend a scheduling hearing on Tuesday. His next court appearance is scheduled for September 10.


08-28-2019, 09:12 PM
I'm failing to see a down side.


08-29-2019, 07:20 AM
Well, he may just be trying to stave off the hoards of inmates who want to get first crack at him.

Pedophiles don't do well in jail. At all. This dude's got a target on his back and he knows it.

double moo
08-29-2019, 06:45 PM
Well, he may just be trying to stave off the hoards of inmates who want to get at his crack first.

Pedophiles don't do well in jail. At all. This dude's got a target on his back and he knows it.

Fixed that for you...

08-31-2019, 07:18 PM
Apparently, all you need is a consent form, and you’re g2g. If only Bill would have had Monica sign one.



09-01-2019, 04:21 PM
Apparently, all you need is a consent form, and you’re g2g. If only Bill would have had Monica sign one.



So Whisper is the new choice app for meeting kids, huh?

I find it very sad that guys are STILL trying to do this after all these sting operations.

I wonder if any law enforcement have been trolled by people that knew it was a police officer on the other end, like if they sent pics of some other dude and they drove by just to see if there was an ambush waiting.

09-02-2019, 06:34 AM
seems like the appropriate column.

NY univ. promotes paper comparing cow insemination to 'rape,' milking cows to 'sexual abuse'

author Mackenzie April (https://www.brockport.edu/academics/women_gender/profiles/april_mackenzie.html), an intern for Brockport's Women's Studies Department, goes further than the assertion that milk is bad for humans, by claiming that the practice of dairy farming “also supports and exemplifies the degrading way in which we treat female bodies and reproductive health,” adding that she hopes the publication will inspire feminists and other “social justice”-minded individuals to “incorporate non-human bodies into their own feminist perspectives.”
[RELATED: UF Valentine's Day ‘Consent Fair’: 'We all' 'contribute to rape culture'] (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=11890)
“If we are going to argue fairly for the rights of all beings in a world soured with sex and gender-based oppression, then dairy cows deserve to be taken into account when discussing issues of reproductive women’s health,” April, who then compares barren female cattle to human women who choose not to have children, writes.
“If women do not choose to become mothers, they are shamed. If a female cow is incapable of successfully bearing a calf, they are sent away for slaughter. Their reproductive system is useless, therefore, they, as a being, are useless,” April notes, arguing that this is indicative of a “double standard,” as civilized society would cringe at the thought of murdering women once they become infertile.
[RELATED: Prof resigns, apologizes for condoning sexual assault of DeVos] (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=9771)
“The outdated stereotype about women being caretakers and most importantly child-bearers remains consistent in the dairy industry, especially when we take into account the means through which these animals are exploited,” April argues, pointing specifically to the insemination of cattle, which she compares to “rape,” the milking of cows, which she compares to "sexual abuse," “emotional trauma related to pregnancy,” and “nonconsensual hormone treatments.”


09-10-2019, 06:21 PM
Patriots WR Antonio Brown accused of sexual assault in federal lawsuit filed in Florida


09-10-2019, 06:35 PM
Patriots WR Antonio Brown accused of sexual assault in federal lawsuit filed in Florida




09-10-2019, 06:43 PM
^^^ He's toast.

Even if the allegations are false he'll spend a fortune trying to prove it. Plus he won't be playing football anytime soon.

Brown just went from the most sought after free agent to a liability that nobody wants to take on.

09-10-2019, 06:56 PM
Maybe he can pay her off and settle out of court?

09-10-2019, 07:43 PM
Maybe he can pay her off and settle out of court?

Too late. The cats out of the bag. These sexual assault allegations never end well for NFL players - just ask Ray Rice.

09-10-2019, 08:23 PM
Raiders just dodged a bullet... Their luck appears to be on the upswing.


09-10-2019, 09:43 PM
I just read the story of the chick accusing Antonio Brown of rape... she should be this month's poster girl in the Bitchez be Crazy thread... the story with details are at the following link.

New England Patriots' Antonio Brown accused of sexual assault, rape by former trainer



09-10-2019, 09:45 PM

09-11-2019, 04:48 AM
Utah man exonerated of sexual assault after nearly 15 years in prison

Wickham, who maintained his innocence since the accusation, served nearly 15 years in Utah State Prison...

On the night of the alleged assault, the victim told police she was assaulted by two men and indicated one was Wickham. However, according to hospital records, Wickham was being treated for injuries he suffered in a car accident that night, Springer said.

Court records indicate Wickham was also awarded $615,960 by the state, in an effort to make up for the years he wrongfully spent in prison.


09-11-2019, 07:01 AM
^^^ $615,960 is a pretty arbitrary number. I wonder how the State came up with that?

And if that dude was really in the hospital during the time of the assault, shouldn't that have been rather easy to prove 15 years ago? Why did they wait 15 years to determine he was in the hospital during the time of assualt?

09-11-2019, 07:27 AM
That is also not nearly enough money to compensate someone for 15 of the best years of their life. Not to mention the lawyers probably took half of that.


09-11-2019, 07:37 AM
And if that dude was really in the hospital during the time of the assault, shouldn't that have been rather easy to prove 15 years ago? Why did they wait 15 years to determine he was in the hospital during the time of assualt?

That's what I was thinking. Must've had a shitty lawyer

09-11-2019, 08:58 AM
That's what I was thinking. Must've had a shitty lawyerPoor people always get shitty lawyers and don't get the same legal representation as people with at least a moderate amount of money. Well to do individual's can really take advantage of the system and get preferential treatment.

My hot young stripper wife currently has one brother in federal prison and one brother in state prison, she is the white sheep in her family. I could spend all day telling you horror stories about how the poor get hosed over. I'm not saying her brothers are innocent or don't belong in prison, I'm just saying if they had money they would at a minimum be serving less time. Our court system is not fair, but it is better than any other country I know of.



09-11-2019, 09:50 AM
Poor people always get shitty lawyers and don't get the same legal representation as people with at least a moderate amount of money. Well to do individual's can really take advantage of the system and get preferential treatment.

My hot young stripper wife currently has one brother in federal prison and one brother in state prison, she is the white sheep in her family. I could spend all day telling you horror stories about how the poor get hosed over. I'm not saying her brothers are innocent or don't belong in prison, I'm just saying if they had money they would at a minimum be serving less time. Our court system is not fair, but it is better than any other country I know of.



#O.J.Simpson, #MarthaStewart, #BillClinton, #Johnny"Bones"Jones, etc, etc, etc...

10-15-2019, 06:37 AM


10-18-2019, 12:39 PM
https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/hate-crime-opened-after-male-photographer-refuses-to-have-sex-with-transwoman-with-a-penis/ (https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/hate-crime-opened-after-male-photographer-refuses-to-have-sex-with-transwoman-with-a-penis/)

10-18-2019, 12:45 PM
https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/hate-crime-opened-after-male-photographer-refuses-to-have-sex-with-transwoman-with-a-penis/ (https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/hate-crime-opened-after-male-photographer-refuses-to-have-sex-with-transwoman-with-a-penis/)

What about the photographer's mental anguish and suffering?

10-30-2019, 05:40 AM

Well, that's convenient...

10-30-2019, 07:19 AM
^^^Page 3 of the Clinton playbook.


02-26-2020, 04:30 PM
‘Believe all women’ - #metoo



03-01-2021, 12:37 PM
Is the snowball of allegations just starting to roll against Cuomo?

Cuomo -“You’ve got to eat the whole sausage”.



03-01-2021, 05:51 PM
I can’t believe how she could mistake grabbing her by the cheeks and asking if he can kiss her as ‘unwanted flirtation’.



03-01-2021, 08:40 PM
I guessing nobody misses Trump more right now than Cuomo does... hahaha...

If Trump were still President this wouldn't even make the news.


03-02-2021, 08:26 AM
You know it’s bad when Fredo has to come out and say that he’s not going to cover his brother because.... it’s his brother, even after covering his brother for the splendid job he did at killing tens of thousands unnecessarily through his terrible Virus policies.


03-11-2021, 06:05 PM
Awww, the good old innocent classic “Excuse me, ma’am, but I dropped my phone down your blouse. Here, let me just get it out”.



“The governor had summoned her to the Executive Mansion (https://thejeffreylord.com/thank-you-taxpayers-anti-border-security-biden-runningmate-frontrunner-to-build-8-foot-electric-fence-around-her-governors-mansion/) in Albany, saying he needed help with his cellphone, the newspaper reported.”. “

03-20-2021, 06:41 AM
What are ‘mingle mamas’, anyway? :ne_nau:



11-23-2021, 02:40 AM
I know from experience that contacting a doctor or the police in such a situation can seem very difficult because you may be afraid to relive it all again after a terrible event. However, when I faced such a problem, the professional help of a lawyer ucmjdefense.com (https://ucmjdefense.com) helped me a lot to believe that decisions about what is happening in my life are made primarily by me, that it is possible to prevent diseases and get treatment, including psychological help, that you can feel safe and dignified again. Therefore, if you have had to face sexual harassment, it is worth telling your loved ones and not keeping it to yourself.

12-30-2021, 04:00 AM