View Full Version : Help My Drone Video Resume

04-21-2017, 07:18 AM
This is a prototype, I'm currently working on a < 60 second version, hopefully 45 seconds. I'm asking a bunch of peeps for their advice, critique, what do you think about the hard cuts between scenes? If you remember, I usually use a quick fade between clips to mesh them together. These clips are 3 seconds long exactly and I was afraid a fade would cut them down even more.

I'm deciding between an opening splash page with my personal website url, or displaying the url in small text in the bottom corner. The text in the corner won't be as pleasing to the eye, but then again this will be my promo video. I'll probably produce it both ways and decide afterwards.

The music, meh. I need something more than this track. The audio will probably be one of my biggest challenges, going royalty free. It's a huge pain and it sucks, to be blunt. But I'm advertising my drone service so it's gotta be royalty free.

Any advice is appreciated. What scenes should I keep, what should I drop? On my next version I've already dropped scenes with similar shots, like fall colors but from different canyons, I've limited my next video to only 1 similar scene.



04-21-2017, 07:44 AM
Great video! The hard cuts seem a bit jarring but, if you are only showing 3 second clips not sure what else you could do. Maybe quick fades for like-minded back-to-back scenery just to mix it up a bit.

04-21-2017, 07:44 AM
Would "sell" more with people doing interesting stuff. The video is what we expect to see from a drone these days. What are your target markets?

04-21-2017, 02:32 PM
Thanks, good advice. The 1 problem with featuring more people is, it's against FAA rules to fly over people and crowds. I do have a few mountain biking shots, but I've got to be filming from the side.

I may also have to cut the Bear Lake beach scene out, because I'm flying over people and I want to be totally legit in my promo. The fog inversion too, technically I was breaking the rules by flying over that. I've got to stay 500 feet below clouds, so on a foggy day, it's basically grounded.

I'm going to work on making some quick fade transitions between the clips, and I'll see if that makes the clips too short. They are 3 seconds exactly and if I can make a .25 second transition, that knocks .125 seconds off of each end of the clip, but I'll have to see how it looks.

Who knows, I may end up starting over and featuring fewer, and longer clips. But I don't want to breach that 1 minute mark.


04-23-2017, 07:31 AM
Great video! I didn't mind the hard cuts as they were consistent throughout. It was only jarring for the first couple. I loved the diversity and preferred the shots with people. As the video progressed, I was thinking this is a great "Come Explore Utah" video the state tourism group could use.

Beyond that, your video made me sad - you're clearly getting out A LOT more than I am. Plus & not having a drone, I'm missing really cool shots of the things we are doing. :)

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04-23-2017, 09:05 AM
More shots with people! The sleigh, train, boat, mountain bikes, ice climber are my favorite type of shot.

Also you need to vary the clips more as it seems at least half of them begin with the drone peeking over a ridge to reveal a beautiful scene below. That got old to me fast.

A future clip you might consider is tubing the provo river on a hot Saturday. I think you could get some great footage. Could probably also get Bridal Vail Falls on the same day.

Tubing Provo River

04-23-2017, 11:43 AM
A future clip you might consider is tubing the provo river on a hot Saturday. I think you could get some great footage. Could probably also get Bridal Vail Falls on the same day.

I agree, 2 possible very great shot sequences.

With the people, there are pros and cons. It's against FAA rules to fly over people or crowds, but a lot of times it's the only way to get the shot. They may let up on the regulations as time goes by, but for now, too many drones are still crashing into crowds of people.

03-17-2018, 02:45 PM
Well it almost took me another year but thanks to your feedback, I created another sample of my drone services, this time showing nothing but people and the types of services I can provide them.

Plus, now I'm FAA 107 certified, so I can legally sell my services.

Thanks for the advice, and even though you may have additional advice for this video, keep a lid on it because I'm done :mrgreen:

I've got an official Facebook Page that I started this week to advertise. I've got a long way to go still, but head on over and give it a click because you're a good person:

www.facebook.com/UtahDroneService (http://www.facebook.com/UtahDroneService)


03-17-2018, 04:03 PM
Awesome video for a outdoors hating guy:2thumbs:

03-19-2018, 06:46 AM
Still waiting for that autograph. I gone be like: I knew that dude when it wasn't cool to know him. Did you know he hates the outdoors?"

03-19-2018, 08:00 AM
You should sign up and offer your services on the Utah Filmmakers & Actors facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/utahfilmmakers/

03-19-2018, 10:48 AM
Still waiting for that autograph.


03-19-2018, 10:56 AM
You should sign up and offer your services on the Utah Filmmakers & Actors facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/utahfilmmakers/

Done, thanks!

I think all of the clips in my latest promo are from within the last year and a half. Looking forward to the next couple of years.

03-19-2018, 11:15 AM
Done, thanks!

It's typically a pretty active community so, maybe you'll get some business there. Just be wary of the "I want to hire you, can't pay you anything but, It'll give you exposure" hits you'll probably get. Also, make sure to have them sign a contract.

03-19-2018, 11:26 AM
. Just be wary of the "I want to hire you, can't pay you anything but, It'll give you exposure" hits you'll probably get. Also, make sure to have them sign a contract.

Yeah I've already got my rebuttals waiting :haha: Good Morning America has given me plenty of exposure already.