View Full Version : Thank You Mr. Trump

01-24-2017, 02:06 PM
All I can say is from November 3rd on I have been running all my engineering crews on overtime to get all the work walking through our front door done. Today I had to turn work away for the first time in over 8 years because we just can't get it all done. In the energy, power and mining industries where most my engineering work comes from it was as if someone flipped a light switch the night of the election.

And I can tell you this right now.... there are some folks who are planning to burn coal. I have a lot of orders for new coal handling facilities (conveyors, chutes, hoppers, loadouts).


01-25-2017, 04:22 AM
Hopefully trump doesn't own any of the companies that hired you. I'd hate for you to get stiffed on what you're owed. :haha:

01-25-2017, 04:47 AM
In less than a week, POTUS Trump has done more than Obama did in his two terms (8 years). This guy (POTUS) is just plowing through it. I'm glad to see us taking our energy back. There's a place for wind farms and solar, but at the end of the day, coal gets it done (especially here in Utah).

01-25-2017, 07:12 AM
Hopefully trump doesn't own any of the companies that hired you. I'd hate for you to get stiffed on what you're owed. :haha:

Don't believe all the left rhetoric. I'm in the construction industry and anytime Trump rolled out a new project their were contractors lined up around the block hoping to build part of it. That does not happen if the guy doesn't pay his bills, in fact the opposite happens as contracts will pull their crews off the job if they hear others are not getting paid.

Scott P
01-25-2017, 07:17 AM
I think it's a given that the fossil fuels energy sector would do well monetarily under Trump. Everyone knew this.

I'm glad to see us taking our energy back. There's a place for wind farms and solar, but at the end of the day, coal gets it done (especially here in Utah).

I'll ask this question here too, regardless if you hate the EPA or not.

EPA aside, last year about 200 times more people died from air pollution than they did from terrorism.

If so, then why is it OK to spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting terrorism (I am not saying we shouldn't fight terrorism-we should-I hope Trump does), but that spending anything on air pollution is "socialism". If we want to rid the world of terrorism (and we do), what is wrong with fighting things such as air pollution? (And no, I'm not saying that people should not use fossil fuels or that I don't use any-I use plenty).

01-25-2017, 07:18 AM
The DJIA just passed 20,000 setting an all time record high.


Scott P
01-25-2017, 07:51 AM
Good. Let's hope it continues. I don't like Trump's environmental policies nor as a human being, but I always knew that from an economic standpoint, I always though that he would do good and better than Hillary. I hope Trump quits whining about everything being unfair and does what he says he is going to do with ISIS. Several of his ideas for medical care are also pretty good.

Anyway, here's the baseline:

Under Obama the DOW went from 7949 to 19,827, a 249.428...% increase (of course Obama can't the credit for all that).

To equal that, the DOW has to reach 49,454 at the end of a 2nd term, if he is re-elected. I really hope that it does happen.

Regardless of how you look at it,unemployment rates have still dropped much from when Obama took office, and I have faith that they will continue to decline under Trump.

Crime rates have been dropping overall since the early 1990's, but there was a rise from the historic low in 2014. 2016 numbers aren't in yet.


I hope that the crime rate will continue a downward trend under Trump. Personally, I didn't think Obama did a good job with supporting our police force. I hope Trump does better.

Race relations in the US are deteriorating somewhat, but not as bad as the media says. I hope this improves. I don't see Trump doing anything to fix this, but I still hope that he does.

Here is US favorably among our allies (and enemies). It doesn't matter what our enemies think of us, but I believe that it does for our true allies, especially the ones we want to set an example for. While I hope Trump does well in this regard, I'm more pessimistic.


On education, I really don't know what to think of Trump. I guess that's a wait and see kind of thing. College is an investment, and we need more of the smart kids to be able to afford college for the US to continue is being a world economic leader and a leader in technology.

Infrastructure is also an unknown. I do have hope for Trump in this regard.

I don't like Trump as a person, but as of now the only policies I really don't like about him have to do with the environment. I think it is a huge mistake not to support alternative energy and future technology. That doesn't mean that fossil fuels aren't important-they are, but we should also be looking towards the future.

On the plus side, Trump doesn't seem to want to sell off the public lands and seems to want to keep them public, at least for now.

01-25-2017, 09:35 AM
I think it's a given that the fossil fuels energy sector would do well monetarily under Trump. Everyone knew this.

I'll ask this question here too, regardless if you hate the EPA or not.

EPA aside, last year about 200 times more people died from air pollution than they did from terrorism.

If so, then why is it OK to spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting terrorism (I am not saying we shouldn't fight terrorism-we should-I hope Trump does), but that spending anything on air pollution is "socialism". If we want to rid the world of terrorism (and we do), what is wrong with fighting things such as air pollution? (And no, I'm not saying that people should not use fossil fuels or that I don't use any-I use plenty).

I too believe we should be investing in clean energy, but I don't think we can just flip the switch and stop all fossil fuel production or use. I see nothing socialist about investing in resolving air pollution. I just found that Obama would just mandate that coal power plants be terminated without a viable alternative. We should do this in tandem until the clean energy sources prove themselves as cost effective and sustainable.

01-25-2017, 05:56 PM
More winning.... Someone had to make the sign, someone had to pay for the sign, someone had to buy the hardware to hang the sign and someone had to buy all the required climbing equipment..... That is job creation right there!


Sandstone Addiction
01-26-2017, 11:54 AM
My 401k portfolio has increased 12.60% since election day. :2thumbs: