View Full Version : 2014 Salem Days Duct Tape Boat Regatta

Sandstone Addiction
08-17-2014, 08:00 PM
This is one of the funnest events of the summer and my boys look forward to it each year.

This year there were 60 entries consisting of families, friends, church groups and Scout groups looking to test their ability to create a sea worthy craft made of only two 7 X 7 pieces of corrugated cardboard, one 1 X 2 X 8 and two rolls of duct tape. Contestants are allowed to use spray paint and markers to decorate, but basically nothing else. Participants have 2 hours to build it.

Our family all helped construct the boat and my wife Nancy and 7 year old son Trevor rowed it around the short course.

After everyone had either sunk or finished, the ones with a boat still intact had the opportunity to participate in another lap around the buoys just for fun.

There is an Unlimited Class that is free to take as long as they'd like and use as much duct tape and cardboard as they need. The Lego Character boat in the video is in this class. That boat was definitely the star of the show with the kids.

Hope you enjoy the short video, I apologize for the not so sharp video as I should have known better than to zoom in while filming with the picture camera....:facepalm1:


08-17-2014, 08:39 PM

08-18-2014, 03:19 PM
I WANNA PLAY! I am so signing up for next year! :D