View Full Version : OutdoorX4 Magazine about to launch - Photos by IntrepidXJ from Bogley to be featured!

11-22-2013, 08:39 AM
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to drop a quick note to mention OutdoorX4 Magazine will be launching in print and digital HTML5 at the end of the year (print will be at every major newsstand in the U.S.) and we're proud to have IntrepidXJ (Randy Langstraat) on-board as one of our photographers.

Randy has been on Bogley quite awhile and his photos, if you haven't seen them, are fantastic! One of his shots will be featured on our charter issue front cover and two other images will be featured in our The Great Escape photo section.

Anyways, just wanted to post up as it's great to have Randy on-board. If you haven't seen OutdoorX4, you can check out a digital HTML5 sample at http://sample.outdoorx4.com and pick-up a charter subscription with several goodies (including one-year subscription for print & digital, OutdoorX4 decals, and DVD copy of "Nature Propelled") from the website at http://www.outdoorx4.com/content/subscribe .