View Full Version : Looking to convert to a Mac

07-13-2007, 09:06 PM
I've used PC's for about 20 years and recently been looking at going the MAC route. I've started doing alot more photo editing and, soon, video editing. I play minimal games, most Civ, Chess, Go, AOE, etc. What advice can you offer? What should I be looking at? I think I want a desktop rather than a notebook.

07-13-2007, 09:24 PM
if you want a desktop over a notebook, i'd wait till august/september and get expected update to the iMac. you'll have a choice of 20 or 24 inch display. as usual, the computer and display are one in the same, and it's expected to come in brushed aluminum and be sleaker than before. i have one at work, very happy with it. in many ways towers (mac pro) are better, but they're gonna cost ya.

07-13-2007, 11:32 PM
20 years ago, Macs were much better than PC's for design, graphics, photo editing, etc. That's not true anymore. I know a lot of artists who've switched to PC's because they are cheaper.

If you want a Mac, then get one. If you just want something to use that will work and can be supported by a kid on every street corner, stick to a PC.

the voice
07-13-2007, 11:58 PM
20 years ago, Macs were much better than PC's for design, graphics, photo editing, etc. That's not true anymore. I know a lot of artists who've switched to PC's because they are cheaper.

If you want a Mac, then get one. If you just want something to use that will work and can be supported by a kid on every street corner, stick to a PC.

Really depends on what you want to do. I am actually looking at switching to a Mac Pro Power book - 1 main reason - Final Cut Pro - but still a lot of good video sw on pc. I will run XP or Vista on the Mac for Outlook and Corp VPN stuff. I have CS3 for window and will run it under the windows OS. Remember the $ cost of playing on the Mac side is much Higher. If it wasn't for the video I would stay with PC and probably a Dell Latitude or Precision laptop since they have North American Support. If you do go MAC and are not going to run boot camp, make sure everything you need to do is compatible.

07-14-2007, 09:00 AM
I have a 2005-era 20-inch flat-panel iMac at home that I use every day, and I think it's the best computer I have ever used. I have a G5 and a 20-inch flat-panel monitor at work, but for its cost, we could have had three iMacs that were just as capable.

I have never regretted being Mac. Good machines.


marc olivares
07-14-2007, 09:27 AM
once you go mac you never go back.

07-14-2007, 10:20 AM
once you go mac you never go back. Once you see your bill for a out of warranty repair you will go back to a PC. :haha:

marc olivares
07-14-2007, 11:18 AM
once you go mac you never go back. Once you see your bill for a out of warranty repair you will go back to a PC. :haha:

LOL, that's funny, i have an Emac that's older than my kids, and i've been running Mac's since the 90's, haven't had an issue thus far...

oh and summit, Jesse wants her hat back :frustrated:

07-14-2007, 12:22 PM
LOL, that's funny, i have an Emac that's older than my kids, and i've been running Mac's since the 90's, haven't had an issue thus far...

I am not saying the things don't run like champs because they do.. But they do break down (just like every other electronic device out there). But IF you have a problem macs are a HUGE pain in the ass to repair compared to a PC.

oh and summit, Jesse wants her hat back :frustrated:
:lol8: :lol8: :bootyshake:

07-14-2007, 03:44 PM
once you go mac you never go back. Once you see your bill for a out of warranty repair you will go back to a PC. :haha:

depends on the type of repair and how much you're willin to do on your own

ifixit.com baby ...

but hey, summit, i actually enjoy your apple bashing, it's amusing

07-14-2007, 05:52 PM
I have been looking for a new machine.... I don't game much anymore so I may consider a Mac. Any suggestions stefan?

I will admit... i don't like apple much. There was an apple rep in my life for a few years and that pushed me over the edge. I love to tinker, upgrade and Game on my machines so i guess i don't fit into Iworld. sorry..... :ne_nau:

07-14-2007, 06:16 PM
I have been looking for a new machine.... I don't game much anymore so I may consider a Mac. Any suggestions stefan?

yeah sure! why do you get one of these ... 'sgot evrthang you need ... only $2000


I will admit... i don't like apple much. There was an apple rep in my life for a few years and that pushed me over the edge. I love to tinker, upgrade and Game on my machines so i guess i don't fit into Iworld. sorry..... :ne_nau:

i could really care less ... but i was serious, i do find it amusing, as in quite entertaining. [no sarcasm intended]

07-14-2007, 06:29 PM
whoa..wtf is that?

Crazy little thing ..
"Vista Business" that scares the crap out or me, that thing just meets the Vista system requirements :roflol:

07-14-2007, 07:10 PM
Vista is reason enough to go Mac, IMHO.

07-14-2007, 07:42 PM
Vista is reason enough to go Mac, IMHO.

HA! Vista is mac, already. Where do you think Bill and Co. got the idea?

Actually, I use Vista, very happy with it. No issues yet, been about 4 months. I do alot of video editing and photo editing, no issues. But I must confess, I am not a big Mac fan. There is something about being able to build your own computer I find fun....

07-14-2007, 09:52 PM
I run both. . .seamlessly. Although I have to admit I only have winders for testing. :2thumbs:


07-14-2007, 10:09 PM
Better a sister in the whore house then a brother on a MAC!


the voice
07-14-2007, 11:21 PM
I run both. . .seamlessly. Although I have to admit I only have winders for testing. :2thumbs:


Accadacca - Question - are you running XP under just Parallels or do you also have it running under Boot Camp. I was told I could load XP or Vista under bootcamp and Parallels would also hook into the same Windows OS if I didn't want to reboot? Still haven't made the jump back to a Mac but am probably within a week or so. Just trying to get some final questions I have answered. Also does any body out there have any experience with Personal Network share servers like the Seagate Mirra Sync. I am looking for a network shareable solution that I can store huge amounts of Video data on and access it from a PC or Mac. Any feed back on personal experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanxs in advance. :2thumbs:

07-15-2007, 12:58 PM
I have a MacBook Pro and I am running XP within OSX. As I understand it, with boot camp you can only boot with one or the other. However, with parallels you can run both at the same time. They are alive and function together. Really cool! Go to www.parallels.com and watch a demo or search it on YouTube.

07-15-2007, 03:15 PM
I run parallels and it works seamlessly with XPsp2 and Vista. I use to run Virtual PC before Microsoft bought it and F :eek2: Ked it up... I use a parallels virtualized machine to run virtualized routing and switching gear. One day we're all going be part of the same process :cool2:

07-15-2007, 03:45 PM
As I understand it, with boot camp you can only boot with one or the other. However, with parallels you can run both at the same time. They are alive and function together.

... and it's worth noting that apple is very happy with the functionality and stability of parallels. they recommend using it and have not revealed any plans to implement their own such component to the OS. currently they're continuing to develop bootcamp and it'll be interesting to see what direction they ultimately take.

One day we're all going be part of the same process

who knows ... while on the surface there are similarities, they are kinda worlds apart.

08-07-2007, 10:33 AM
new iMac just annouced:

We are going to make iMac better. Aluminum and Glass based iMac.

FireWire 800, 400, three USB 2.0 ports, SuperDrive, add memory by popping out one screw. Two sizes 20 inch and 24 inch displays - both are glossy displays.

New keyboard (as rumored), jokes (you might have seen on the web.)
New Wireless Keyboard (very compact) has Bluetooth 2.0 and dedicated keys.

Intel Core 2 Duo processors, upto 2.8 GHZ on 24 inch model, up to 4 GB of memory, faster graphics ATI Radeon , up to one terabyte storage and Wireless-N. $1199: 250 GB, 2 G processor. Available now.

It has been thought through from a recycling prespctive. High quality plastic, aluminum and glass.

new iLife08 ...

we are replacing 24-inch model and cheaper by $200 for $1799. 20 inch for $1199 and $1499. 17-inch is discontinued

see apple's site after 12pm to take a look at it.

Rev. Coyote
08-07-2007, 11:19 AM
Been Mac since 1987.

I currently run a G4 desktop, and iBook G4, and both are great (except a small issue with AppleWorks). I also run a Dell PC that my company supplied, and it's OK (running Windows 2000 Professional).

Truth is, computers have evolved to the point where even the shitty ones kick ass. We are SPOILED!!

08-07-2007, 11:25 AM

08-07-2007, 11:51 AM

08-07-2007, 06:13 PM
You won't regret switching. I run an apple here at home MacBook Pro. I love it.

08-07-2007, 07:10 PM
Macs Cheaper, But Gayer.

An analysis conducted by Linux Inside writer Paul Murphy indicates that, contrary to conventional wisdom, Macs are cheaper than PCs.

What Murphy does not note, however, is that Macs are also gayer.

In a scientific analysis conducted by PC user Ryan Wilkins, Macs proved to be 15 times gayer than comparably equipped PCs.

08-15-2007, 01:34 PM
Been Mac since 1987.

I currently run a G4 desktop, and iBook G4, and both are great (except a small issue with AppleWorks). I also run a Dell PC that my company supplied, and it's OK (running Windows 2000 Professional).

Truth is, computers have evolved to the point where even the shitty ones kick ass. We are SPOILED!!

hey, rev, you may already know, but apple is discontinuing appleworks.

there is a replacement for it ... a new program called NUMBERS which they debuted at the keynote where they released the iMac.



donny h
08-15-2007, 02:32 PM
All these Apple threads and I never talked trash, I can't hold my tongue anymore, so here is my mini Apple rant:

I used to want an Apple because they weren't as vulnerable to malware, now some of Apples programsare malware, particularly Itunes and Quicktime.

Since Apple has chosen to write nasty code in their programs, I choose to never have another Apple product, and I'm no stranger to Apple, my brother worked for them in Cupertino in the 80s, now he works for Logitech designing hardware to be compatible with Apple.

Ever try to uninstall Quicktime? That puppy makes so many changes to the registry it is very difficult to uninstall, it's the worst program I've ever tackled except for AOL. Now that I finally have it gone, my Mozilla browser will crash about a third of the time I visit any site that uses QT, and visiting the Apple site without QT installed will crash my browser every time.

Why would a company that built it's reputation on 'user friendly' go over to the dark side and write malicious, invasive code?

Why doesn't anyone seem to care that they do?

Oh, and if you're really gonna buy an Apple, independently research the actual performance of the model you are considering, Apple lies their ass off about performance numbers.

Rev. Coyote
08-15-2007, 03:07 PM
All these Apple threads and I never talked trash, I can't hold my tongue anymore, so here is my mini Apple rant:

I used to want an Apple because they weren't as vulnerable to malware, now some of Apples programsare malware, particularly Itunes and Quicktime.

Since Apple has chosen to write nasty code in their programs, I choose to never have another Apple product, and I'm no stranger to Apple, my brother worked for them in Cupertino in the 80s, now he works for Logitech designing hardware to be compatible with Apple.

Ever try to uninstall Quicktime? That puppy makes so many changes to the registry it is very difficult to uninstall, it's the worst program I've ever tackled except for AOL. Now that I finally have it gone, my Mozilla browser will crash about a third of the time I visit any site that uses QT, and visiting the Apple site without QT installed will crash my browser every time.

Why would a company that built it's reputation on 'user friendly' go over to the dark side and write malicious, invasive code?

Why doesn't anyone seem to care that they do?

Oh, and if you're really gonna buy an Apple, independently research the actual performance of the model you are considering, Apple lies their ass off about performance numbers.

I don't tinker that much with mine, just keep it simple. Again, running both Mac and PC side-by-side, I like the Mac way better.

Never heard the term "malware." New word today! Hurrah!

Rev. Coyote
08-15-2007, 03:08 PM
hey, rev, you may already know, but apple is discontinuing appleworks.

there is a replacement for it ... a new program called NUMBERS which they debuted at the keynote where they released the iMac.



I did not know that. Thanks for the heads-up.