View Full Version : Dog Saddlebags???

04-21-2007, 09:02 PM
I bought this new toy for the dog. They are kinda like saddle bags so the dog can carry her own food and water. There's even a draw tite on top to carry a pad. We used it for the first time today, besides around the neighborhood, and it worked pretty well. It kinda sags to one side if you don't keep it evenly distributed. If you put a couple of water bottles in there and take the dog for a walk, wears her out a little bit more. I got it for $40.00 at Petsmart but I'm pretty sure I got ripped off. You can get it for cheaper at a smaller store.

04-22-2007, 11:12 AM
Yeah, I have a cheap Abo Gear brand pack that I bought from Sierra Trading Post last summer. It tilts to the way side if it's slightly off balance (for example a half full water bottle on side, and a full water bottle on the other). It got the point where I would have to empty an equal amount of water from each bottle to have the pack stay secure.

I never loaded it up too heavy, but it never seemed to bother The Steve. He trucks up the mountain side like there's nothing holding him back.

I've heard anecdotal evidence that the Kelty Chuckwagon (http://www.kelty.com/kelty/products.php?type=4&cat=7&id=320) stays more secure, but I haven't tried it yet.

04-23-2007, 12:37 PM
I got one for my dog too! She loves it, gets all excited when I bring it out. She'll stand there nicely while I cinch her down.

Here's a great book on backpacking with your dogs. Talks about how much weight they can carry, doggie first aid kit, how to tell if they are dehydrated, etc. Good stuff.

Backpacking With Your Dog (Paperback)
by Charlene G. Labelle