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02-14-2006, 10:50 PM
Pie eating contests do NOT make good family-home-evening activities!!!



david staub
02-15-2006, 06:44 AM
I've seen it in my parents, my brothers and sisters, my neighbors, and friends. I have never understood the fascination for food. My wife and I have put on several dinners at Church and have been shocked at how quickly the food is scarfed down.

We Mormons have a lot to learn about taking care of ourselves.

Speaking of which, I was at the gym last night and it was like a ghost town. My spinning class only had about ten people and the treadmills were all available. I guess it will be jammed tonight with people trying to work off all of the candy they ate yesterday. I will stick with my power bars.

02-15-2006, 08:05 AM
The Word of Wisdom addresses this....guess it just doesn't receive much emphasis.

02-15-2006, 09:27 AM
The Word of Wisdom addresses this....guess it just doesn't receive much emphasis.

I have a feeling someday there will be a "emphasis" on the whole physical health of LDS members and the WOW. I personally feel morbid obesity (or even obesity) fits right up there with no drugs, alcohol, and coffee. These issues are about personal control, food definately has control over many people.

02-15-2006, 01:37 PM
I agree

david staub
02-15-2006, 01:42 PM
My father ate and ate his entire life. I don't recall a night growing up that he didn't have an ice cream sundae. Now he is retired, has had a stroke, and just sits on the couch and watches television. WOW, if taken seriously, is supposed to better our life here. If I ever am in my father's position, please just shoot me. That is the only time I agree with guns. Please, put me out of my misery.

02-15-2006, 01:53 PM
I'd like to submit that "we" drink a lot more soft drinks than most people. Especially diet drinks.

I'm thinking this is the number one problem with the average overweight LDS member. I know it's mine.

02-15-2006, 05:01 PM
I'd like to submit that "we" drink a lot more soft drinks than most people. Especially diet drinks.

I would submit that the increased consumption of soft drinks (non-diet) is probably one of the major contributors to obesity (and its cousin, diabetes) in this country over-all. That, and the ever-enlarging portions at restaurants, particularly fast food joints: you can get a days' worth of calories in one fell swoop with a supersized meal, and pretty soon :bootyshake: becomes :bootyshake: + :bootyshake: = wide load

I would also wonder if crankin' out multiple kids that the LDS religion encourages (I assume it still does?) isn't also a factor. 1) it's often hard for women to lose the extra pregnancy weight after even one kid, but after several....it all adds up. 2) from everything I've heard from parents, it often takes a herculean effort to find time to exercise after having a carpet ape, and having a handfull....fugedaboutit! Ditto having an active lifestyle w/ the family - unless it was a priority BK (before kids) with the couple, it won't be one AK.

On a related note, today I was sitting in the Safeway having my oh-so-healthy lunch of a lowfat double latte and scone :roll: at the Starbucks kiosk there, and was watching the people come and go from the store. I watched as this fat woman came in and immediately went over to the shelves with the 1/2 off Valentine's candy, casing the selections. She didn't buy anything, but when I see this and then hear said fat person (usually women) gripe about their weight, I want to smack them with a Clue Bat: "HELLO? McFLY???"


02-15-2006, 07:46 PM
I don't think it's so much having a lot of kids as it is a poor diet and no exercise.

If you can't find the time to exercise, at least eat healthy! Also altering not only WHAT you eat, but HOW OFTEN you eat will go a loooooong way in keeping the fat off. 5-6 small high protein meals are much better for you than the old'fashioned "3 Square Meals."

And of course, lay off the sugar...

02-15-2006, 09:36 PM
And of course, lay off the sugar...

That's it. I truly believe 90% of staying in shape is food.

I'm going back on the Atkin's Diet again.

david staub
02-16-2006, 07:05 AM
This year I have changed my eating habits drastically. Used to do the three square meals. This year I am eating six meals per day. I have been told that when you starve your body it tends to hold on to weight in a self defense mode. Don't know if that is true. But so far this year eating six small meals and continuing the exercize, I have dropped 12 pounds.

My wife has had three children and she looks great. She has never been super into exercize, but she eats well and smart.

I will never forget the time we went into a Wendys for dinner. A family of all horrendously obese people came in. I told my wife to listen carefully because I was sure that they would all order the triple burger. We were right. You can't tell me that family suffered from a genetic disorder. That was overeating.

02-16-2006, 08:42 AM
I don't completely buy the "I don't have time" excuse. I was getting up at 5 am when I had a large commute to exercise, I still get up 2 hrs before I have to leave for work to exercise. My MIL gets up at 4:30 to exercise every moring. There is always time, even just 10 miuntes of exercise goes a long way.

When I had enough of being too fat and lost 35 lbs it wasn't all that difficult. I was addicted to sugar and went cold turkey. I couldn't believe the withdrawls I would have, I'd even get all shakey from not having sugar. It lasted about a week, after that I didn't need the sugar like I once did. Unfortunately it's time to go off sugar again, damn holiday's.

02-19-2006, 10:27 AM
Its gotta be the "Funeral Potatoes". I had those for the first time the other day, and couldn't think of very many other local dishes with more calories than that.

02-19-2006, 01:53 PM
For an English class a year or two ago we spent most of the second half of the semester working on one big final project. The girl I worked with and I did our project on Obesity. I really learned a lot about how bad the stuff I was eating is for me. Going into health care and learning what the body does with all the crap we throw into our selves has also been an eye opener. Soda (also beer for many non-Mormons) is a big contributor. Everyone has a different number for how many calories they are supposed to take in per day, but most people are usually supposed to take in between 1500 and 2500. A 12 oz soda (one can) has between 150 - 250 calories. That means a 32 oz. drink you get with your burger and fries contains 450 - 750 calories just in the drink. A $6.00 burger from Carl's Jr with fries and a drink contains more than 2000! I still eat fast food and drink soda, but a lot less than I used to. Diet soda in many ways is worse for you than regular too.

Another thing I tried to get across in our project is that it's easier to lose 5 pounds than 50 so I weigh my self every morning and if I'm trending upward I usually lay off the junk and spend a little more time on the treadmill. Some people tell me I am going to die early because of some of my outdoor hobbies, but chances are I will live longer because my hobbies motivate me to stay in shape. Obesity, cancer, smoking, heart disease, etc... kill off millions of more people than Canyoneering or Rock Climbing. Living healthy will add years and enjoyment to your life, if "dangerous" sports motivate you to live healthy then it's better than wasting your time eating ice cream and watching TV every day. Just my two cents.


02-19-2006, 02:07 PM
True dat. I know alot of mormons who pound "diet" soda all day long, but won't drink one cup of coffee. Coffee has almost no calories. A diet Mt. Dew has quite a few.

Wasatch Rebel
02-19-2006, 05:48 PM
I go and shovel the walks of an elderly couple every time it snows. What the heck, I burn fat doing it. But lately, the wife has taken to paying me back by bringing over brownies, carrot cake etc. I definitely agree it's the food!! And not only the goodies--our fast-paced society snarfs down waaaay too much convenience foods to go along with the fast foods, all in the name of saving time. By the way, the last I heard, San Antonio, not Utah was listed as the city with the most obese people--so much for the Mormon life-style being the culprit.

Wasatch Rebel
02-19-2006, 06:00 PM
Well I was wrong about San Antone being number one, but check out the last few years from Men's Fitness. Salt Lake doesn't even make the top ten any of those years. Here's the link: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/1865388/detail.html

02-19-2006, 07:36 PM
True dat. I know alot of mormons who pound "diet" soda all day long, but won't drink one cup of coffee. Coffee has almost no calories. A diet Mt. Dew has quite a few.

Ummmm....I think the whole appeal to diet soda is that they have ZERO calories....just like the nutrition information says.

02-19-2006, 07:47 PM
I'll second that...as I live off the stuff! :pitcher:

02-20-2006, 12:52 PM
True dat. I know alot of mormons who pound "diet" soda all day long, but won't drink one cup of coffee. Coffee has almost no calories. A diet Mt. Dew has quite a few.

Ummmm....I think the whole appeal to diet soda is that they have ZERO calories....just like the nutrition information says.

Some, but not all. And then there is always the Root Beer....but hey, its got no Caffiene so it can't be bad for you....

02-20-2006, 01:01 PM
True dat. I know alot of mormons who pound "diet" soda all day long, but won't drink one cup of coffee. Coffee has almost no calories. A diet Mt. Dew has quite a few.

Ummmm....I think the whole appeal to diet soda is that they have ZERO calories....just like the nutrition information says.

Some, but not all. And then there is always the Root Beer....but hey, its got no Caffiene so it can't be bad for you....

No calories in my diet rootbeer, and there weren't any in the diet Dew I had this morning.

I lost 35lbs drinking 2 cans of diet soda every weekday, so much for diet soda being just as bad.

02-20-2006, 03:37 PM
True dat. I know alot of mormons who pound "diet" soda all day long, but won't drink one cup of coffee. Coffee has almost no calories. A diet Mt. Dew has quite a few.

Ummmm....I think the whole appeal to diet soda is that they have ZERO calories....just like the nutrition information says.

Some, but not all. And then there is always the Root Beer....but hey, its got no Caffiene so it can't be bad for you....

No calories in my diet rootbeer, and there weren't any in the diet Dew I had this morning.

I lost 35lbs drinking 2 cans of diet soda every weekday, so much for diet soda being just as bad.

And since you're not a labratory rat, there is no way the artifical sweetener can cause cancer, right?

I fall back to my original statement...its gotta be the funeral potatoes.